Add Armature
Mannequin A-Pose
Object mode -> Add -> Armature -> Chiro (UE4 Mannequin) -> A-Pose
Mannequin T-Pose
Object mode -> Add -> Armature -> Chiro (UE4 Mannequin) -> T-Pose
Mannequin Twist bones
Generates Mannequin-compatible Twist bones on the armature trying to guess the correct length and rotation. Does nothing for existing twist bones.
Object mode -> Add -> Armature -> Chiro (UE4 Mannequin) -> Twist Bones
Mannequin IK bones (Advanced)
Generates Mannequin-compatible IK bones on the armature trying to guess the correct length and rotation. Does nothing for existing IK bones.
Object mode -> Add -> Armature -> Chiro (UE4 Mannequin) -> IK Bones
The Origin (Advanced)
The original Mannequin armature (imported with XY axis)
Object mode -> Add -> Armature -> Chiro (UE4 Mannequin) -> The Origin