Edit Armature

Edit mode with an armature active


The list of available transformations depend on the active armature. The addon reads the active armature structure and tries to detect a known model (e.g. Mannequin or Mixamo).

Unknown armature

By default (for a single bone in this example), no transformations will be available (thus, empty menu).

Edit mode -> Armature -> Chiro (UE4) -> ...

Edit armature empty Menu

Edit armature empty

Mixamo armature

Skeleton conversion

Rename the bones to their Mannequin counterparts. Delete redundant leaf bones.

Edit mode -> Armature -> Chiro (UE4) -> "Mixamo --> Skeleton conversion"

Edit Mixamo armature Skeleton Conversion Menu

Edit Mixamo armature Skeleton Conversion Action

Mannequin armature

Connect the bones with children

Leaving the bone heads in place, connects the tails to the children where it makes sense, to follow the Mannequin skeleton structure.

Edit mode -> Armature -> Chiro (UE4) -> "Mannequin --> Connect the bones with children"

Edit Mannequin armature Connect the bones with children Menu

Edit Mannequin armature Connect the bones with children Action

Snap clavicles to Mannequin position

Moves clavicle heads to positions simiral to Mannequin, calculated relatively to "spine_03" bone.

Edit mode -> Armature -> Chiro (UE4) -> "Mannequin --> Snap clavicles to Mannequin position"

Edit Mannequin armature Snap clavicles to Mannequin position Menu

Edit Mannequin armature Snap clavicles to Mannequin position Action

Make twist bones

Generates Mannequin twist bones. Calculates length and positions relatively to the parent bones. Does nothing for existing twist bones.

Edit mode -> Armature -> Chiro (UE4) -> "Mannequin --> Make twist bones"

Edit Mannequin armature Make twist bones Menu

Edit Mannequin armature Make twist bones Action

Bone Roll T-Pose

Corrects the bone rolls to follow the Mannequin armature composition. Assumes the Mesh is T-Pose.

WARNING: if your mesh is not in T-Pose, the rolls will not be correct

Edit mode -> Armature -> Chiro (UE4) -> "Mannequin --> Bone Roll T-Pose"

Edit Mannequin armature Make twist bones Menu

Edit Mannequin armature Make twist bones Action

Bone Roll A-Pose (Advanced)

Corrects the bone rolls to follow the Mannequin armature composition. Assumes the Mesh is Mannequin A-Pose.

WARNING: if your mesh is not in A-Pose, the rolls will not be correct

Make IK bones (Advanced)

Generates IK bones for the armature.

Same as Add Armature -> Mannequin IK Bones

Chiropract on Armature (Advanced)

Corrects the bone arrangement so that it follows The Original Mannequin armature. After this operation the character may be exported to FBX (with YX axis).